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Red Fabric Under a Tree

wild essence

a journey into the blood mysteries & cyclical wisdom of the deep feminine.

*winter immersion in session. pre-register below to join Spring round March - May 2024*

Hi, beauty.

You being alive right here and now, and being woman is nothing short of utter magic + miracle ...




And this winter I'm guiding an immersive online experience to gather, celebrate, and fall further in love with the mysterious, powerful nature of Her.



the most ancient tale of love


























This offering has been gestating within for many months and was birthed a few bleeds ago as I sat by the creek where I live in Arizona. With dusty red-sand covered legs, my own warm hands resting on my womb, surrounded by the music of dragonflies buzzing and morning birdsong, I wept tears of joy at the sheer Love I have for my body, the beauty of our Earth, and the women in my life.



It's a spot I find myself in so so often (bless)


Like a prayer from the center of the earth surging up through the body, offering itself to the world. 









Modern-day womanhood has practically removed us completely from the knowing in our bones. It teaches us to push against our natural rhythm to 'get shit done.' It says 'stay happy, shiny, and put-together at all times or something is terribly wrong.' 




The Deep Feminine asks us to strip it all away & feel what's true




And the truth is...


Our bodies are wild, boundless things


We are rhythmic, cyclical, spontaneuous beings


Just like life itself...




In case you need the reminder...we were not born just to be 'productive' (from a synthetic man-made urgency) and occasionally reward ourselves with shallow fleeting pleasures




We are here to experience ourselves as Love


We are here to live as Nature



























One of our most raw intimate experiences as women, is bleeding




it is primal, erotic, replenishing


Every time she arrives, we get to descend further into the arms of the mystery - that sweet wintery void returning us to pure essence


Whatever illusion we were living before, stripped away






Our soft bodies pulsing & gliding through the dark wet earth,


The veil between worlds dissolved

















We are magical earthly creatures. And our hearts were made to experience the f u l l n e s s of life.



Grief. Opening. Friction. Tenderness. Mysticism. Childlike Joy.




One of the ways Love speaks directly through us women, is in the rhythmic waves of our Menstrual Cycle.




 Every single month we have the pleasure of traveling through four distinct seasons - each one bringing its own medicine  - the forces of nature carving us over & over again ...
















Winter of Menstruation - As the veil lifts, we meet again the fragile miracle of our existence, in the wet womb where it all began. The liminal space between death + life opens us into a boundless union with the Great Mother. And it's here we see, the illusion of our control.




Spring of Follicular - From the fresh soil, a single sprout unfurls upward. Crisp. Clarified. Tangy sweetness. Our eyes seeing the world anew with fairy-like wonder, the wave of excitement rising each day.




Summer of Ovulation - Riding our peak crescendo, fertile & alive, like a garden in full bloom. Drenched in feminine essence, the womb sings herself wide, enchanting him in with the ocean's magnetic pull. Married in harmony too with our own inner masculine, execution feels blissful, like dandelion seeds germinating in the wind.




Autumn of Luteal It's time to let go once again, our hearts releasing the grip of anything not in full resonance with Love and Truth. In a journey back to the underworld, we dance in the thick mud of chaos and release.
















The truth is walking the path of woman by living as our cyclical feminine nature - rather than against it - is not a small task.


It's a poetic & personal relationship with life itself



and requires our full devotion


But a time inevitably comes when we know deep down there is no other option, for what we desire more than anything is a life of Truth, Love & Wild Beauty.











I imagine a world where every woman sees herself in the trees + wind + sky + sea


I imagine a world where women are rich in relationships + sisterhood that ripples like a healing current back into the earth


I imagine a world where women trust the wisdom in their bones to guide them




& it begins inside the innermost sanctum of the womb.











































































































































































































































It became crystal clear that our bleeding days were not just some inconvenient thing called a 'period' to plug up each month and push through



But a holy celebration to remember who we are.




I've been a devotee of her ever since...





Is She calling you, too?  











"To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go."


-Mary Oliver










The Wild Essence Women's Immersion is a sanctuary for replenishing the deep feminine soul back into your body and life - and our planet at large. 



If you feel the call, come come wise one!




Each week we'll gather virtually for a powerful evening of embodied ritual,  weaving in cycle-trackingwomb ceremony, devotional writing, song circle & more...







A little back story on a moment that radically shifted everything many years ago



It was a late night in October, a few nights before Samhain, and I suddenly felt the urge to rip myself out of bed and dance in the tiny dark room I was renting. I started shaking & sloughing off what felt like lifetimes of tension, circling my hips, growling, moaning.



It was incredibly uncomfortable. Stifled emotion, a sea of past pain, all boiling up to the surface like it was trying to get somewhere. I wanted to collapse into one of my normal numbing habits so. damn. bad... but something told me to stay with it fully, to not leave my body, to surrender completely to all that arose.


Suddenly a veil seemed to lift and something deep inside burst open. I was flooded first with a physical sensation of bliss and ecstasy. Then this ancient remembrance poured in. The essence of Love throbbing in my marrow, all illusions of control and 'identity,' shattered.



Tears poured out


The river in my body roared


Pure Shakti


Pure open-hearted weeping



I was completely undone, out of my head, pulsing in total sync with the Great Mother



My breasts and cervix grew heavy and wide



...and the next morning, a single drop.🩸

If you feel a resounding y e s, this space is for you








To join us, scroll down + sign up + you'll receive a welcome email with everything you need - including an invocation for your heart, all our call links, and instructions for preparing physically + energetically





If you feel curious but want to hop on the phone with me first to answer any questions, you can schedule a complimentary call here


The Structure + What You'll Receive:


- 12 live 90 min ceremonial-style calls (recordings available)

- Homework to anchor in our devoted weekly themes

- One 1:1 session with me 

- Virtual library of guided practices + seasonal feminine rituals (including herbal recipes)

- Group digestion space in between calls

- Option to add discounted 1:1 support 






Our Call Schedule:


- Every Monday @  5-6:30 CST

March 11 - May 14, 2024




Thank you for being here, sister. 


May these darker months nourish you down to your bones and awaken your deepest remembrance.












I'm in :

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